Standard manual - English Version

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This document provides documentation for the management and use of the demo site Auto.MstarProject, a detailed description can be found at http://

Due to the fact that our modules are constantly being improved and modified, it was decided to keep this document on the wiki while preserving history and other advantages of versioned documents. It is possible that the site is different from the written documentation to it - this means that the documentation page will soon be updated at the conclusion of the project, which implemented this updated version of the module.


Since we have specialization and many successful projects in the auto portfolio, we get a lot of questions about how our site. We have solved all these sample questions and information, which is claimed, lay in a line in a convenient form in a single location within the project documentation Auto.MstarProject.

Documentation on the demo site - it's a step forward for customers who want to buy the site, knowing that it will be and how the site will work after completion.

== Version == standard package The current version of the documentation and standard package - 4.5.2. Version of the current site is displayed in the closed cis mpanel - at the top of the form {$ ProjectName} MPanel v {$ CurrentVersion}. An example for this demo project - Auto.Mstarproject - MPanel v4.5.2

More information about releases of software and changes to, can be found on a separate page


The client

Module registration and profile

The module includes a total login page and registration, where perenepravlyayutsya all users in a situation when you need authorization or encounter any bugs with login:

Auto user login.jpg

registration form new client includes a minimum set of mandatory fields for registration and verification of employment AJAX login box "password complexity" and math captcha:
Auto user new account.jpg

In the event that the customer filled out the form incorrectly or missed any required fields - it will print an error stating that you need to fix. If the form is filled in correctly - automatically once the customer logs in to the site and into your account. The mail is sent to the customer such notice:
Auto user notification.jpg

A copy of this notification is stored in the template code confirmation_letter. You have to edit it in a module >> Content> Templates EmPaneli, substituting the data of the company. More information on how to use templates in EmPaneli described in the module Template Manager.

All completed client card can be found, edited, but not delete - to delete a user site, you need to make it "invisible":

 EmPanel>> Users> Customer </ pre>
[[File: Auto_user_customer_mpanel.jpg]] <br clear="all" />
To test the operation of the site even when the project is in working order - you can create a "test" the customer and after testing is complete "Clear the test data."

Your data and settings, the user can edit his own in [ Profile]: <br />
[[File: Auto_user_profile.jpg]] <br clear="all" />

In addition, the customer can register himself through the registration form - it can create wines of the request, make an order without registering or wine for a customer request may issue the manager. In such cases, creating the so-called "Temporary" account, for example login a62392 (password: d39102). That the customer was able to use that account - you need to replace a temporary to permanent login and password can be left unchanged. <br />
[[File: Auto_user_card.jpg]] <br clear="all" />

The password for the temporary account is displayed in clear text in the summary card of the client and empaneli, for all other users password is encrypted and can only be changed or a new form through [ password] or in empaneli site administrator.